Even though you may have a great home security system Colchester CCTV installation experts, Lenz Security, have some great tips to make sure your summer isn’t ruined by an unwanted break-in.

Summer is finally here! It has been a long and hard winter for most of us, and now the warm sunshine has arrived, we all want to make the most of it! Being able to get out of the house to go for walks, picnics, lazy days at the beach, BBQs at friends and families gardens, days out with the kids, weekend breaks, and longer holidays (if we are ever allowed abroad again!)…the list of things to do in the summer is endless.

Unfortunately, this is also the time of year when burglars are most active. As there are so many activities we would rather be doing than sitting at home, your property is more likely to be left empty for long stretches of time…which is ideal for would-be intruders and burglars.

Did you know that according to Crimestoppers, it is estimated that there is a burglary in the UK every 40 seconds, with 680,000 unfortunate homes being burgled while the owners were away on a break or a holiday? In this day and age of the quality home security system Colchester CCTV installation specialists, Lenz Security, thinks this figure is outrageous! With all so many homes now having CCTV Colchester should be a safer place, but unfortunately, this isn’t always enough to deter a burglar. Don’t get us wrong, if you have quality CCTV installation or an up to date burglar alarm Colchester is a safer place than many other areas. And we would always suggest that by having a quality home security system Colchester is safer than by not having a home security system.

Home security system Colchester | Taking selfie

But even with quality CCTV installation and an up to date home security system Colchester still has a few undesirables that still may attempt an unwanted entry. So here are a few other strategies you can employ to keep your home as safe as possible through these hot summer days, leaving you with peace of mind to be able to enjoy your summer!

Beware of social media posts!

In this day and age, nearly all of us have at least one social media account. Let’s be honest, the majority of us probably have several! And it is nice to let friends and family know how much fun you’re having in the sun, whether a snap at the beach, checking in to a theme park, a selfie on a plane or a video of you enjoying a cocktail in a beach side bar that is clearly far from Colchester! Whilst this lets loved ones have a glimpse into your adventures, it unfortunately can also advertise to burglars that your home is empty. Criminals can be very tech-savvy, and a semi sophisticated burglar can scour social media to see which homes look ripe for a break-in. We suggest either waiting until you are at home before posting images, or even better setting your accounts to private so only accepted friends can see your posts.

Ensure all windows and doors are locked!

This might sound like a no brainer, especially if you are planning a holiday etc and will be away from the home for a long period of time. But you would be amazed at the number of people who leave a window open or the back door unlocked when they leave the house, especially on a hot day. They may have thought they would only be gone a short while, but end up being away longer than thought, or are spending the day or evening away and want to leave a window slightly ajar to keep the home cool for their return. We strongly suggest that you ensure ALL windows are properly closed, however inaccessible they may seem, and all doors are ALWAYS locked when you leave the home, even if it is just for 10 minutes to pop to the shop. 10 minutes is more than enough time for a burglar to enter your home and steal easy to carry valuables. You never know who is watching your home so please don’t make it easy for a burglar! And if you do have a burglar alarm, Colchester CCTV installation experts Lenz Security suggest always using it, even if you are planning to only be away for a few minutes.

Keep valuables safely out of sight of windows and doors!

Following on from above, a burglar loves nothing more than easy access to a property through an open window or unlocked door. But if this isn’t the case then the next best thing is to be able to see valuables that could easily be carried away. All they have to do is quickly smash a window or door, grab the valuables and get away. And even though you may have a quality home security system, Colchester based Lenz Security would suggest keeping ANY easy to carry valuable completely out of sight of any window or door. If a burglar cannot see anything worth stealing and can see you have an up to date home security system, they are far less likely to attempt a break-in. The best way to do this is to keep any shades, blinds or curtains closed whenever possible.

Home security system Colchester | Looking through window

Do not hide spare keys in the garden!

We have all been there, where we have somehow lost our keys or left them at work and cannot get into our property. This is why many opt to hide a spare key somewhere around the exterior of their home just in case. Expert installers of CCTV, Colchester based Lenz Security highly recommend NOT leaving a spare key outside of your home. However well it is hidden, it only takes that one time someone sees you get it, to know where the keys to your home are! Even if your home is protected with a quality home security system Colchester CCTV installation specialists Lenz Security knows that with a key to access the property, a burglar can be in and out in minutes, well before you or the local authorities can act. If you really do want to leave a spare key somewhere it is much safer leaving it with a trusted neighbour.

Make the home look occupied!

One of the best ways to prevent a person from breaking into your home is by making your home have the appearance of someone being there. If you are only planning to be away for a day you can do this by leaving certain lights on, and perhaps even a radio or television on. If you are planning to be away for longer than it might be worthwhile investing in a timed lighting system for the home. This will turn lights on and off at preset times, making your home look like someone’s home.


Home security system Colchester

Lastly, if you do have a quality home security system Colchester CCTV installation experts Lenz Security suggest using it at all times! Even if you are only out of the home for a short while, make sure it is fully operational and alarmed. If you follow all of our advice then you give yourself the best chance of being able to enjoy the summer to its full without the worry of a break-in whilst you are out! For any enquiry about a quality and up to date home security system Colchester based Lenz Security are happy to discuss your needs. You can contact us here. We are waiting to hear from you!